Letter published in the Morning Star sent March 4th by Co-Chair Of CTUF
So Lord Mandelson’s has told Labour that it must not “betray business” with the flagship reforms to workers rights contained in the New Deal For Workers, arguing that Labour should slow down and “provide clarity” on the New Deal.
The independent think tank Labour Together has also said Labour should assess the reforms on the private sector and recently the CBI President told Labour to rethink what he described as ‘European style’ pro worker legislation of the New Deal.
In my experience every time a Labour Government proposes pro worker employment legislation – from the National Minimum Wage, the Health & Safety At Work Act, protection during collective redundancies, equal rights for woman, part time and agency workers etc the Tories, the CBI, the Institute of Directors and parts of the media predict any new legislation to protect workers will damage the economy, create unemployment or mean the end of the world as we know it.
It has never happened.
Frances O’Grady former TUC General Secretary was right to tweet in response to Mandleson: “A shocking 1.1m people on zero hours, 3.7m jobs paid below the real Living Wage and the UK has one of the worst income inequality rates in the OECD. Meanwhile productivity, investment and growth are at rock bottom. The rules are rigged against working people. Time to modernise”.
Labour has been clear that the New Deal legislation will be introduced within 100 days of coming into office. As Mick Whelan, ASLEF General Secretary and chair of Labour & Unions (TULO) told a recent meeting of trade unionists and lawyers that at meetings he has attended with the shadow cabinet including Keir Starmer on the New Deal up to now there has been no changes to the New Deal commitments.
Mandelson is trying to destabilise Labour as he knows unions will hold Labour to these commitments and that pro worker protections, ending zero hours, fire & rehire, introducing rights from day one are popular with voters and is doing the bidding of the Tories, the CBI and some in the media. He should keep out of it.
Tony Burke
Co-Chair Campaign For Trade Union Freedom